Our Mission
Motivate students to excellent academic learning
Inspire students to develop healthy social and moral living
Equip students to become caring leaders and pioneers in the community and beyond

Core Values
Spiritual Development
Every student will have the love and grace of Jesus Christ shared with them on a daily basis.
Character Development
The students will develop an ethic of enduring Christian values.
Excellence in Education
Every student will gain a firm academic foundation and be proficient in all areas of study.
Critical Thinking Skills
The students will actively participate in the classroom, resulting in effective higher order learning.
Social Skills
The students will develop proper social skills.
Community Relations
The staff will effectively serve our constituency.
Conflict Resolution
The staff and students will develop positive approaches to avoiding discipline problems and resolving them.
Developing Unity of Purpose
The staff and parents will work together to create synergy and community.
Trusting Relationships
The administration, staff, and parents will have open disclosure and positive communication.
Children First
As a Christ-centered school, we will help meet the needs of students.
Safe Learning Environment
The school will cultivate a safe learning environment that will not tolerate physical violence, intimidation, or harassment.
Christian Stewardship
The school will act with integrity in financial matters.